It is striking how different actors view warfare through very different lenses. Amos C. Fox has an interesting typology of military thinkers on The Strategy Bridge: “The Futurist camp, for instance, asserts that drones, artificial intelligence, and cyber are the future of armed conflict. Meanwhile, the Traditionalist camp does not drift far from the musings […]
Archives for April 2023
Netherlands buys the PULS rocket artillery system
The Netherlands is procuring a variety of long-range missiles: Tomahawk land attack-missiles for their frigates and submarines, JASSM-ER missiles for F-35 fighter aircraft, and the PULS rocket artillery system for the army. This is all both interesting and ambitious. Clearly the Dutch have noticed the importance of long-range fires in the war in Ukraine. The […]
Predictions about the future are probably wrong
Good reminder by Will Hitchen on The Strategy Bridge: “History remains the best guide to predicting the future — but such predictions are still more likely than not to be wrong. Those who postulate and prognosticate on the future of warfare, and those consuming their output, would be well served by keeping this in mind. […]
The advantage of AI in warfare
Fascinating rundown of the advantages of AI in warfare by Paul Scharre in War on the Rocks. “When an AI fighter pilot beat an experienced human pilot 15-0 in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s AlphaDogfight competition, it didn’t just fly better than the human. It fought differently. Heron Systems’ AI agent used forward-quarter gunshots, […]
Tatarsky bombing and Kerch Strait Bridge
Mark Galeotti has an interesting thought on his blog about the similarity between the bombings of Vladlev Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin) and the Kerch Strait Bridge. There does seem to be video evidence supporting the claim that she gave him the bomb (the BBC did some good work on this) and the fact that she stayed […]