The timeline has been approved for the formation of Poland’s new Army Division. This will bring the number of Polish divisions up to four, and it is a part of the ambitious plan to strengthen the armed forces.
Archives for November 2018
U.S. Navy wants more submarines but cannot maintain the number they have
The U.S. Navy wants to increase the number of attack submarines from 56 to 66. But a new government report documents that their shipyards cannot maintain even the ones they have already.
Poland begins sea trials on OPV “Ślązak”
Poland’s new offshore patrol vessel “Ślązak” will be delivered next year. It is a capable platform, which in size resembles the German “Braunschweig-class”.
Assessment of the radio traffic before “Helge Ingstad” collided and sank
A few comments on the radio traffic before the Norwegian frigate “Helge Ingstad” and the tanker “Sola TS” collided, and the warship sank. This recording will go over in history as an example of how not to avoid an accident.
Infrastructure projects must be smarter about cybersecurity
Could the Washington Metro be hijacked by ransomware? Andrew Grotto has some suggestions about how to get cybersecurity back on track in infrastructure projects.
Russia still cannot rescue another “Kursk”, despite new diving record
Military divers from the Pacific Fleet have completed a record dive to 416 meters with the new rescue ship “Igor Beluosov”. But the overall status of Russia’s submarine rescue force is still poor.
Sinking dock leaves Russian ship repair industry in misery
It caught headlines when “Admiral Kuznetsov” almost sank along with the floating dock “PD-50”. But the really big news is that Russia no longer has this dock for its ship repair industry. Plus, it is another scandalous story about incompetence in the Russian shipyards.
Norwegian frigate “Helge Ingstad” sinks after collision
The Norwegian frigate “Helge Ingstad” is sinking after a collision with a Maltese tanker. It is a surreal event to observe. Will be interesting to hear more details about what went wrong. Here are a few quick thoughts.
Why does Russia break the INF Treaty?
Before the INF Treaty collapses, it is worth pondering why Russia is building a missile that breaks it. I argue that it is because they want a conventional missile akin to Tomahawk. It is silly if we turn this into a nuclear race.