Thoughtful essay by C Thi Nguyen for Aeon on the difference between epistemic bubbles and echo chambers, which can be seen as two very different things. Luckily, though, epistemic bubbles are easily shattered. We can pop an epistemic bubble simply by exposing its members to the information and arguments that they’ve missed. But echo chambers […]
The intertwined nature of Russian academia and the state
Interesting look at the Russian academic community and its impact on policy. It’s written by Mariya Omelicheva for PONARS Eurasia and titled Influencers, Echo Chambers, and Epistemic Bubbles: Russia’s Academic Discourse in the Wake of the War in Ukraine. Much of the scholarship in the field of Russian IR takes place in an epistemic bubble […]
When ASW gets too precise: British frigate hits Russian submarine with sonar
In 2020 there was a collision between the British frigate Northumberland and a Russian submarine north of Scotland.
The spiral of dangerous operational incidents between Russia and NATO
The number of incidents between Russian and NATO warships and aircraft in increasing, and they are becoming more dangerous. That is documented by Ralph Clem and Ray Finch.
The five “nots” of AUKUS
Interesting rundown of what AUKUS is and is not by Michael Shoebridge for ICDS Diplomaatia magazine: AUKUS, though, is five ‘Nots’. It is not just a pact about sharing nuclear submarine technology that leads to Australia acquiring and operating eight of these “peak predator” deterrent weapons. It is not a military alliance that contains commitments […]
British F-35 crashes in Mediterranean
These planes are really too expensive to lose.
Mahan and Corbett agreed on most things
B. J. Armstrong in a piece for War on the Rocks called The Shared Genius of Mahan and Corbett: Articles in the pages of the leading naval journals include titles like “Going to War with China? Ignore Corbett. Dust Off Mahan!” and “Going to War With China? Dust Off Corbett!” Even here at War on […]
Russian defense minister complains about propaganda centers in the West
Sergey Shoigu clams that strategic propaganda centers operate in Riga, Tallinn and Warsaw to spread misinformation against Russia.
Cargo spaceships and pipe dreams
CDR Salamander has a scathing critique of general Hyten’s ideas for logistical spaceships and a centralized virtual combat cloud.
Estonia also has weird rules for innocent passage of foreign warships
Estonia requires a 48 hours prior notice before innocent passage of foreign warships, which does not seem in line with UNCLOS. This is counterproductive if Western states want Russia to comply with the treaty.