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Recent Posts:
- Three Russia hypersonic missile scientists arrested for treason
- Russia denies their warships were near Nord Stream explosion sites
- Typology of military thinkers
- Netherlands buys the PULS rocket artillery system
- Predictions about the future are probably wrong
- The advantage of AI in warfare
- Tatarsky bombing and Kerch Strait Bridge
- On epistemic bubbles and echo chambers
- The intertwined nature of Russian academia and the state
- When ASW gets too precise: British frigate hits Russian submarine with sonar
- The spiral of dangerous operational incidents between Russia and NATO
- Inflation is a long-term problem for Russia’s military
- The argument that AUKUS is a weak security deal between Australia and two unreliable allies
- Russia has a now or never dilemma in Ukraine
- The five “nots” of AUKUS
- Royal Navy’s Type 32 Frigate could be a revamped Type 31
- British F-35 crashes in Mediterranean
- Mahan and Corbett agreed on most things
- The Arctic is a floating signifier that makes no sense in security discussions
- Navies vs. coast guards: What is the difference?
- Download e-book: Russia’s Military Might
- Challenges for European navies
- Russian nuclear submarine breaks down during transit of Danish Straits
- Russian defense minister complains about propaganda centers in the West
- Cargo spaceships and pipe dreams
- Estonia also has weird rules for innocent passage of foreign warships
- Naval diplomacy with Timothy Choi
- Estonia procures modern naval mines
- Forward basing of US ground troops in Western Pacific is unrealistic
- Russia invented electronic warfare – quite literally
- A few questions about the U.S. submarine aggressor squadron
- Retracting ice makes Canadian Arctic easier to navigate
- Chasing the wrong kind of misinformation: The HMS Defender case
- Lukashenko weaponizes refugees against Lithuania
- How Donald Rumsfeld deserves to be remembered
- Russia and the West moving into state of more “professional antagonism”
- The argument that Russia’s security zones around Crimea are legal
- HMS Defender’s encounter with Russia’s coastguard off Crimea
- Do tripwire forces work?
- Russian submarines are dangerous, says U.S. general
- Silo-based nuclear missiles are better than their reputation, and Stanislav Petrov did not save the world
- Some thoughts on HMS Dragon’s FONOPS off Crimea
- The future of the Russian Navy – Last episode of interview with Jonas Kjellén
- US needs a new Arctic security strategy
- The ships in Russia’s Baltic Fleet – Part 2 of my interview with Jonas Kjellén
- The history of Danish gendarmerie forces
- Interview with Jonas Kjellén about the Russian Baltic Fleet – Part 1
- The sorry state of collective European defense capabilities
- The risks of outsourcing merchant shipping to foreign owners
- Decarbonization raises capacity questions for shipbuilding and wartime repairs
- How China modernized its fishing fleet in the South China Sea
- No turning back
- Russia challenges international law with Black Sea prohibition zones
- From a Baltic Commanders Conference to a maritime component command in 10 years
- Interview with Corporal Frisk about military reductions in UK
- Clausewitz may help us understand why forever wars take forever
- Armenia’s over-confidence and the catastrophic defeat in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War
- Why Small Navies Prefer Warfighting over Counter-Piracy
- Russia is up to something: Probably about Belarus
- Operational countermeasures against Russian A2/AD – My contribution to new FOI report
- Russia signs contract for new versatile helicopter carriers
- A look at the Baltic Fleet and the defense of Kaliningrad
- Joint Iran-China-Russia exercise is impressive display of naval diplomacy
- Sergey Shoigu has famous pro-Kremlin journalist fired over critical article
- Russia’s A2/AD strategy is a myth
- Russia prepares massive exercise Tsentr 2019 with large Arctic component
- Which ships will be at Naval Day parade in Saint Petersburg on 28 July 2019?
- Russian battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov delayed from maintenance until 2023
- Militarization in the Baltic and the Arctic compared: The Arctic is the dangerous place
- Russia orders two more frigates and large landing ships
- Update on Russia’s weapon development programs
- Russia gets dedicated mobile network for military personnel
- Another example of how we overrate Russia’s air defense weapons
- New ships to expect for Russia’s navy in 2019
- US European forces chief wants more presence, Trump pushes for allies to pay
- Frigate “Neustrashimy” set to re-join Baltic Fleet in November 2019
- Debate over USS Fitzgerald collision still misses point about broken US Navy procedures
- Russia has found money to repair the flagship of the Baltic Fleet
- Russia equips Gorshkov-class frigates with laser dazzlers
- Russia increases number of tanks in Kaliningrad
- Russia develops bigger Kalibr missiles and Gorshkov-class frigates
- Posters of Russian warships constructed 2016-19
- Lithuania buys additional NASAMS air defense missiles
- Rumors of imminent Russian attacks on Ukraine are usually wrong
- Russia’s first Karakurt-corvette enters service in the Baltic Fleet
- Russian speaking U.S. soldiers on exercise in Estonia is brilliant information work
- Sanctions are a tool of reward, not of punishment
- Seems like SPIKE will be Estonia’s new anti-tank missile
- Estonia buys new 5.56 and 7.62 mm rifles from LMT
- Unmanned technology will soon be cheap enough for small countries
- Two Russian ships also collided when Ukrainian tug was rammed
- Poland expands army with new division
- U.S. Navy wants more submarines but cannot maintain the number they have
- Poland begins sea trials on OPV “Ślązak”
- Assessment of the radio traffic before “Helge Ingstad” collided and sank
- Infrastructure projects must be smarter about cybersecurity
- Russia still cannot rescue another “Kursk”, despite new diving record
- Sinking dock leaves Russian ship repair industry in misery
- Norwegian frigate “Helge Ingstad” sinks after collision
- Why does Russia break the INF Treaty?